5th & 6th-grade students take in the Solar Eclipse.
18 days ago, Valerie Garcia
Solar Eclipse 2024
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse 2024
The Great Egg Winners!
22 days ago, Valerie Garcia
The Great Egg winners!
The Valentine Tree!
2 months ago, Valerie Garcia
Valentine Tree
Reading their cowboy poetry to West of the Pecos CattleWomen on February 1st at the Community center.
3 months ago, Valerie Garcia
Cowboy Poetry.
Cowboy Poetry
Basketball girls will sport a new look next year. GO PIRATES!
3 months ago, Valerie Garcia
New basketball uniforms
Ex-Student Reunion schedule
3 months ago, Valerie Garcia
washer tournament
Valentine’s in Valentine
Valentine Ex-Student Association celebrates generations of traditional values. Join the celebration on February 17, 2024.
3 months ago, Valerie Garcia
Valentine Ex-Student Association
Santa's littlest visitor was not sure what he was signing up for.
4 months ago, Valerie Garcia
Not so sure of this guy.
A closer look.
What just happened
Cotton Gin Adventures at the Alamo-Kerley Cotton Gin Field
4 months ago, Valerie Garcia
on our way
How it works
Picnic Time
We Honor our Veterans.
6 months ago, Valerie Garcia
Veteran's Tree
Friday- Pirates Scare Away Drugs for Life: Wear your Halloween Costume
6 months ago, Valerie Garcia
Dress up and say no to drugs
Thursday - Pirates will follow their dreams: Not Drugs: Wear your Pajamas!
6 months ago, Valerie Garcia
HS Pirates say goodnight to drugs
Sleepy pirates
Say no to drugs
Teachers say no to drugs
sleepy ghouls
babies dream of a drug free school
Wednesday-Peace Out to Drugs: Wear Peace Signs or Tie Dye.
6 months ago, Valerie Garcia
Peace out to drugs
Tuesday- Pirates are Drug-Free for life: Wear your best Pirate attire
6 months ago, Valerie Garcia
1st and 2nd grade pirates
Monday- Voting for my future to be Drug Free: Wear Red, White and Blue
6 months ago, Valerie Garcia
Monday-voting for my future to be Drug Free: Wear Red, White and Blue.
Jr. High wears red, whit, and blue
Vote for no on drugs
Kindergarten boo kitty
6 months ago, Valerie Garcia
Boo Kitty
We Have Spirit...Yes, we do!
7 months ago, Valerie Garcia
We have spirit...yes we do!
Buffet style
11 months ago, Valerie Garcia
Philippine cuisine
The Senior Tree
12 months ago, Valerie Garcia
Senior Tree
Senior fun but Jimmy looks worried :)
12 months ago, Valerie Garcia
Senior fun
Jimmy is worried.